Curiosity is the ultimate ‘Ask Us Anything.’

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How Many People Live In Hull?

To save you having to go round and count them all, we sent our cub reporter Angus Young out to find the most accurate answer he could. We are able to chart Hull’s population back to 1377 but the first records of
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What Is My Favourite Street In Hull? Lou Duffy-Howard

Member of the Red Guitars and Loudhailer Electric Company, Lou Duffy-Howard did us the favour of choosing her favourite street in Hull. And she had very cool reasons for selecting it.
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Is Queen’s Gardens Filled In With White Phone Boxes? Urban Mythbuster

The Curiosity Urban Mythbuster Amy Thompson grills Hull’s Head Archivist Martin Taylor of the Hull History Centre to get a straight answer to this mystery sent in by Alice on Instagram.
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How Far Away Is Ceres, The Dwarf Planet?

Roman, of HU15, asked how far it is from Earth to Ceres, the dwarf planet. We are therefore obliged to find out.
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What Are Your Top 5 Favourite Cook Books? James MacKenzie

As we were recently filming at East Yorkshire’s only Michelin-starred pub, the Pipe & Glass, we couldn’t resist asking chef, owner and all round top man James MacKenzie for some of the cook books that inspire him.
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Why Are There Toads And Moths All Over Hull?

It should be fairly obvious, but there are those still unsure, so we sent Hull Tour Guide Paul Schofield on another fact-finding mission.
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